Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sociology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Sociology - Assignment Example The first aim of a person is to ââ¬Ëliveââ¬â¢ and then live happily. A person has to take life as a natural gift which cannot be destroyed or wasted by the person himself. Life is a precious gift of nature and God bestowed on the people with a direction to take care of it. Law, society and people fight for their rights and all these efforts are in search of a happy life. If people would start running away from difficulties and may take death as a resort, life will become worthless and meaningless. People will eventually stop putting efforts to have the best possible thing in life to eat, wear, reside and acquire. Does it mean that people must stop thinking about dying? Certainly not! The concept of living is to be encouraged to live, work, put efforts and think about future. This does not mean that a person must take this life as immortal. We see, hear and observe many instances of accidental, age factored and usual deaths and hence cannot deny the fact that one has to die some day. However, the concept is not to leave todayââ¬â¢s happiness and comforts for tomorrowââ¬â¢s sorrow. According to me, we are in this world to make it a better place to live, to innovate and to explore the nature. We are not here to wait for the death ââ¬â the end of our life. It is worth mentioning here that the concept of assisted suicide is flawed in my opinion. Each and every minute of our life is important, even the most painful moments. Life is subjected to bear the unwanted and fight the uncalled. If we think about society, promoting such a concept will not only affect peopleââ¬â¢s perception about life but will also eliminate the charm to live. Encouraging assisted suicide or making it legal will change peopleââ¬â¢s views and they will be less motivated to work, study and even to earn. They may involve themselves in other harmful activities, crimes and unethical practices as they know a way out of their consequences. In conclusion, we can say
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study On Shakespeare Richard II Drama Essay
Study On Shakespeare Richard II Drama Essay The opening scene of Richard II is illuminating on several counts. On the one hand, Richard II, as king, appears to be acting out in full, his role as supreme arbiter of the land, by presiding over an appeal for treason. This medieval trial requires the presence of the king as both ruler and immediate dispenser of justice. On the other hand, as the scene unfolds, we gradually learn that what is being undermined is not simply the respective reputations of the rival nobles, Bolingbroke and Mowbray, but the very claims of the king himself to his Divine Right to rule. We learn that what they are fighting about is the murder of Thomas of Woodstock, Richard IIs uncle. Bolingbroke appears to know that Richard had secretly ordered Woodstocks death. Obviously, it is impossible for Bolingbroke to accuse Richard directly of his own crime. Nevertheless, his solution, amounts to a thinly-veiled accusation: he accuses Mowbray of murdering Woodstock while under his custody knowing full well that Mowbray himself was carrying out Richards instructions. Meanwhile, for the same reason, Mowbray cannot publicly name the guilty man and resorts to a perfectly traditional game of returning Bolingbrokes insults and accusations. The otherwise perfectly conventional solution proposed by the king, a joust, is as much deployed in defense of his royal power, as presented as an honorable solution for noblemen. At the very moment when the king appears to be at his most powerful, we can already discern how precarious this hold on power really is and on what it rests: a conflation of political and divinely ordained authority. The implication of the concept of the Divine Rights of Kings is that any challenge to royal power is unthinkable because it is not merely treason, as viewed in other cultures, but also tantamount to blasphemy. This becomes clear in scene 3 when Richard realizes that he may soon lose his crown. Richard refuses to acknowledge that royal power relies on human, rather than divine intervention: Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm from an anointed king. The breath of worldly men cannot depose The deputy elected by the Lord. (3.2 50-53) The notion that the ceremonial anointment of the king is divinely ordained and cannot be outdone is acted out in its full pathos when Richard II literally uncrowns himself in Act 4 in a bizarre mirror-ceremony. On the face of it, Henry V as a character could not be more different from Richard II. Unlike Richard who merely ignores his subjects and provokes their rebellion through unwise policies, Henry is much more charismatic and popular, while at the same time, politically much more astute. Through a combination of eloquence and bravery he is able to inspire and unite his kingdom against an external enemy in a way that Richard could only have dreamt of. Henrys political skills are most in evidence in 2.2 when he plays a rather Machiavellian trick on the plotters Cambridge, Grey and Scrope. Henry asks their opinion on whether he should be lenient to traitors. Having received the expected, hypocritical responses, Henry pretends to hand them their written military commissions to be carried out as his faithful subjects. In fact, they are letters informing them that Henry knows of their plot. They are promptly arrested. This is far from being an isolated instance of Henrys cunning side. During a pause in the battle in 4.1, he disguises himself as a common soldier and mixes with his infantry, engaging them in conversation. Their talk centers on the respective roles of king and subject. Henry maintains that despite the apparent gulf, the king is fundamentally the same as the common man: I think the King is but a man, as I am. The violet smells to him as it doth to me; the element shows to him as it doth to meHis ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man, and though his affections are higher mounted than ours, yet when they stoop, they stoop with the like wing. (4.1.99-104) Yet a few lines later, he contradicts himself by countering Williams and Bates (the common soldiers) argument that the king also has greater moral responsibility that comes with power. Henry repudiates his earlier assertion of shared humanity by asserting his special position as king: Twin-born with greatness: subject to the breath Of every fool, whose sense no more can feel But his own wringing. What infinite heartsease Must kings neglect that private men enjoy? (4.1, 216-219) The implication is that because of his divinely ordained kingship, Henrys actions cannot be held to account and scrutinized on the same level as commoners. Henry wants to maintain a problematic and dubious distinction between his own kingly violence and the violence of common men, which is merely criminal. It becomes clear that Henry not only likes power games, but wants to write the rules of the game too. This becomes apparent later, when he pardons Williamss (unintentional) challenge to himself as the king. This scene is then deployed to illustrate royal magnanimity. To these examples can be added Henrys wooing of Catherine in 5.2. Whether or not Catherine is won over is frankly irrelevant because in fact, the French King had already, in scene 3, offered Catherine to Henry before his invasion of France. The wooing scene is thus, strictly, superfluous. Back to: Example Essays Conclusion We have seen how in both plays, the notion of the Divine Rights of Kings is mobilized to defend and extend royal prerogatives. In Richard II, Bolingbrokes rebellion is portrayed as inherently unnatural because it is both treacherous and blasphemous. Yet it is plain how ineffective a monarch Richard is. In Henry V, royal power is likewise portrayed as god-given but as we have seen it deployed we are forced to confront the gulf between virtuous kingship and successful statecraft based on the Machiavellian model. Both plays raise the question that what makes someone an effective king may be very far removed from what makes a morally admirable one. Bibliography: King Henry V Arden Shakespeare, 1995 Richard II Arden Shakespeare, 2002 Hamilton, Donna, The State of Law in Richard II Shakespeare Quarterly 34 (1983): 5-17 Greenblatt, Stephen, Invisible Bullets: Renaissance Authority and its Subversion, Henry IV and Henry V. Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism. Ed Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Censorship - Banning Books :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Literature has long been an important part of human life. We express our feelings with ink and paper; we spill out our souls on dried wood pulp. Writing has been form of release and enjoyment since the beginning of written language. You can tell a story, make yourself a hero. You can live out all your fantasies. You can explore all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and share them with the outside world. But just because you can write, don't think you are uninhibited! It doesn't matter who you are. If you write a book, paper, or other work of choice, somebody is going to contest you. Some one isn't going to like what you have to say, and they will try to cause a stir. Don't try to deal with issues of racism, sexism, murder, sexuality, etc. That will only get you banned, barred, or burned. Controversy is a trigger for argument, so if you write about something controversial, people will have something to say about it. It doesn't matter whom the book was written for, about, or by. For example, you can't write about racism in America. We don't have any of THAT, do we!? I remember well my ex-boyfriend reading Of Mice and Men. It was required reading for his Senior English class. However, in the 1990's, this book was challenged and banned in many schools across the country. The book deals with a mentally challenged man who kills some one, and, in the end, is killed himself by his "best friend." And don't think the language was overlooked! All kids love the "Harry Potter" series. But they don't know that by reading it they are "indulging in sinful and Godless acts" or that these books are putting them on the fastest train to Hell. I own A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelfth Night, and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, all of which have been or are banned. What's going on here? The most frequently challenged and/or banned books in 2001 were: ? The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, for its focus on wizardry and magic. ? Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, for using offensive language and being unsuited to age group. Censorship - Banning Books :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays Literature has long been an important part of human life. We express our feelings with ink and paper; we spill out our souls on dried wood pulp. Writing has been form of release and enjoyment since the beginning of written language. You can tell a story, make yourself a hero. You can live out all your fantasies. You can explore all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and share them with the outside world. But just because you can write, don't think you are uninhibited! It doesn't matter who you are. If you write a book, paper, or other work of choice, somebody is going to contest you. Some one isn't going to like what you have to say, and they will try to cause a stir. Don't try to deal with issues of racism, sexism, murder, sexuality, etc. That will only get you banned, barred, or burned. Controversy is a trigger for argument, so if you write about something controversial, people will have something to say about it. It doesn't matter whom the book was written for, about, or by. For example, you can't write about racism in America. We don't have any of THAT, do we!? I remember well my ex-boyfriend reading Of Mice and Men. It was required reading for his Senior English class. However, in the 1990's, this book was challenged and banned in many schools across the country. The book deals with a mentally challenged man who kills some one, and, in the end, is killed himself by his "best friend." And don't think the language was overlooked! All kids love the "Harry Potter" series. But they don't know that by reading it they are "indulging in sinful and Godless acts" or that these books are putting them on the fastest train to Hell. I own A Clockwork Orange, Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelfth Night, and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, all of which have been or are banned. What's going on here? The most frequently challenged and/or banned books in 2001 were: ? The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, for its focus on wizardry and magic. ? Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, for using offensive language and being unsuited to age group.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reaction paper about National Museum Essay
The only time I went to National Museum was when we were required visiting and taking a photo of the manunggul jar, as part of our historic appreciation in our History subject. On July 26, 2013, my peers and I went to National Museum to see antique and prehistoric things about the early times. I feel humiliated and embarrass for not visiting a museum while I find time to go to arcade doing nonsense things. I didnââ¬â¢t know that there are two museums, but we were informed by the guard on duty when we went to one of these museums that there is only one museum. However, the main museum is actually the Museum of the Filipino People located in the former Department of Finance Building. And the National Museum that we know is currently called the National Gallery of Art, which is an extension of the museum. With a wage of 50.00 per head, me and my comrades were mesmerized and was amazed by the beauty of the systematize preservation of the ancient items inside the museum. We were instructed to leave our things in a room. More like a baggage room. And bring with us important things like gadgets and wallets. It is not allowed to use pen inside the galleries. However, a pencil is accepted. We were escorted by a steward which we can ask questions regarding some information about the entities inside the gallery. I was very startled when we walked by to the first gallery. The colonnade is about the Treasures of the San Diego: The Wreck Site, wherein we feel fascinated by the different survived apparatuses in San Diego. We saw their defensive weapons which included the breastplates, leather doublets, shields, and protective helmets. Also, we saw the offensive weapons for hand-to-hand combat like daggers and swords. With 27 steps in the stair, we reach the second destination. The second gallery was composed of different things in the Philippines and Southeast Asian Contacts. There, we were quenched by thirst of excitement when our eyes lay upon the manunggul jar. Because finally we were able to take a picture . End the goal in this visit. But to be able to redeem the payments, we continued the voyage. I am so captivated about the artifacts. I have also seen a pitzel and some types of kettles. It has a smooth texture. We have also seen vessels and basins. Plates from the Chinese people during the barter period were also displayed in this partà of gallery. Like the first gallery there are some armors and weapons. We saw different types of jars in their different, styles, shapes, sizes and designs which enthrall my feelings. Some paintings hung in the wall allure me. It somehow brought different charisma to me. These paintings are about the Philippine culture during the Spanish era. My eyes were magnetized by the piece of metals that later I discovered to be elements like a piece of copper, gold,lead, and silver. The different types and sizes of teeth entice me. In this part of the gallery I was able to see some portraits of voyagers and colonizers with their works like Morga and Magellan. I was stunned when I saw the different insects like butterfly, grasshoppers and lizards in their different sizes and looks. But what surprised me most is the lizard with wings, later I learned that this insect was discovered by our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. There are also some types of crabs. Shells are also spectacled in this gallery. With 24 steps upward the stairs; we are already on the colony of our third journey. We were greeted by the astounding different objects that were conserved in the gallery. Jars- the first object who welcomed us. Different kinds of jars like Spanish jars, Siamese jars, Dragon jars, Martaban jars, Brown-glazed jars from Thailand and etc. There was this sculpture or something like a exhibit of a true-volcano in this part of gallery. I was so wow because of the artisticity of these thing. There was also a painting of how the Cagayan people catch food by hunting wild animals and fishing. I feel a little bit scared when I look at the skullcap of a Tabon woman. I sense I was back when I saw the paraphernalia during the time of gardening. I was staggered by the ships and things for the water usage hung on the wall. There were also some kinds of weapons like bow, arrow, bolos, and sharp things. I wondered for what the map when we passed by. I was amused when I later inform that you press the button, the place where the light appeared is the place where you can find jade, carnelian and glass. The great thing was the Philippines is one of the luckiest country who possesses this luxury goods. I was staggered by the architectural type of structure about the early Filipino type of habitation. Again for the third time, I saw collections of jars, plates, and bowls. There was also an exhibit of the destroyed ship. It shows how they find some things on this wrecked ship. With 24 steps we entered the fourth gallery naming Don Vicente Gallery where we have seen the dresses and clothing ofà the Filipino. Their ornaments and things for beautification. We saw musical instruments like gongs, flutes, xylophones, and stringed instruments. There was also wallpapers about how the ancient Filipinosââ¬â¢ education. I was enchanted and was feeling excited about entering a huge exhibit of a kubo gallery . I was careful in walking because the floor is slippery. However, I still enjoyed the gallery for it reminds me that Filipino culture is still the best among all. Gallery 5 is still close because of some renovation. I received an information that gallery 5 is about the modern technology. Going to the National Museum is a experience that I would never ever forget. This place reminds me of who I am and where did I come from. This shows how the ancient people survived in the early period. How their living was and how aggressive they are when it comes to merchandising things. I feel am again baptize not as a Catholic but as proud citizen of the Philippines. This serves as the evidence that it is truly more fun in the Philippines!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Is the Customer ââ¬ÅAlways Rightââ¬Â
Is The Customer ââ¬Å"Always Rightâ⬠? Abstract The customer is always right. It is the merchantââ¬â¢s wealth to safeguard the interests of customers. Many sellers think that some the customer is unreasonable and vulgar. Customer is always right for three reasons. First, the customer is always right is not the criterion of distinguished between right and wrong but is the criteria of the service work because the focus of the work is how to help customers make the right choices, and how to provide good service to customers. Next, understand the psychology of the customer can help employees easily cope with them.It is can make the seller better serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of satisfaction. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, can improve the quality of companies and salespeople. The example of Apple and Nokia demonstrates that picky customers can make the seller better serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of satisfac tion. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Like Zhang (as cited in Gluckman, the last paraphrase 2012) said ââ¬Å"we will always be wrongâ⬠. So we will do better!Is The Customer ââ¬Å"Always Rightâ⬠? The customer is always right. Many people donââ¬â¢t think so, because when customers walk into a store, the clerk gives many different kinds of merchandise for them to choose from. However some customers will complain about the products. Some sellers think that some customers are picky and unreasonable. Nevertheless, no matter what kinds of the customers go into the store, regardless of the attitudes and tempers, they are ââ¬Å"Godsâ⬠, since they bring large amount of profit for the business. Therefore, customer is always right and I have three reasons.First of all, the customer is always rightâ⬠is the goal of service work, not distinguishing between right and wrong. Also, the slogan ââ¬Å"the customer is always rightâ⬠can be seen in many companies. However many people do not understand it or misunderstand the original meaning of this slogan. ââ¬Å"The customer is always rightâ⬠is not to judge the rights and wrongs of the matter. It means that companies to do their utmost best to create a good environment for the customers make guests to enjoy quality service, and to ensure the quests feel they have received good value no matter when and where.As Ray Miller (2012) stated, ââ¬Å"It does not matter who is right and who is wrongâ⬠. For this sentence a customer may have his or her own ideas, and maybe these ideas are wrong or misguided. If pointed out that the customer is wrong, it will make things worse! Do not need to care about right and wrong with customers as a service industry. How to help customers make the right choices, and how to provide good service to customers that is the focus of service work. Secondly, understanding the psychology of the customer can hel p employees easily cope with them, but how do they cope when the customer is picky?When customers walk into a store, the clerk take out the merchandise give him the choice, more than half of customers are very critical. Frequently, customers donââ¬â¢t want to buy something maybe have three reasons: show off own appreciative, looking for an excuse to demand for lower prices and thinking itââ¬â¢s too expensive, as a reason of do not buy it. Understanding these reasons, employees can more easily seel products. Actually, a salesman usually has three purposes: he or she hopes the transaction is successful, hopes customers come again, and hopes the customers to introduce other customers to the business, because a friendly staff.Therefore, understanding customer psychology is a discipline. Serving customers as serving themselves, therefor they can provide a higher level of satisfaction. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, can improve the quality of companies and salespeople because many good advises from some customers. By contrast, Xiaoyao (2102) noted in ââ¬Å"The difference between Apple and Nokiaâ⬠that ten years ago, Nokia mobile phone sold was first place staler. With the advancement of technology people's requirements is also rising.Because of the discerning of customers, Apple innovate their products to satisfy a client's needs. However, Nokia did not think that this is important. So, Apple exceeded Nokia less than a decade. Even though some vulgar and unreasonable customer think they always right, a simple philosophy said by Zhang (Gluckman, 2012): ââ¬Å"we always think we are wrong and only take the customerââ¬â¢s need as rightâ⬠can impel company carry on realistic reason of social activities is society advance and power that develop. In a highly competitive market, customers have a wide right of freedom choice and to purchase the commodity.In fact, the customer also can fire anyone in the company, because they can spend money in oth er places that make customer like a boss. In my opinion, the customer is a consumer of goods and services and is the foundation source of enterprise. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Therefore, business should consider the issue from the customerââ¬â¢s point of view and itââ¬â¢s crucial to put customerââ¬â¢s satisfaction and their interests at first stage. Following this standard will improve sales and our profits.In other words, there would be no profit if on customers bought products. Hence, taking care of the interests of the guests is to take care of the business own interests. As Zhang (Gluckman, 2012) said ââ¬Å"we will always be wrongâ⬠. So we will do better! Reference Miller, R. (2012). Is the customer always right? Retrieved from http://www. thetrainingbank. com/article_is_the_customer_always_right. htm Gluckman, R. (2012). Every Customer Is Always Right. Forbes, 189(9), 38-40. Xiaoyao (2010,7). The di fference between Apple and Nokia Retrieved from http://www. williamlong. info/archives/2236. html ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 1
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